
Tuesday, 11 December 2018

Fijian art

 This art I made is Fiji mixed with bula art.
 I made a palm tree on golden beach with rocks and coconuts on the tree and coconuts on the floor. And this was fun.

Monday, 10 December 2018

A Xmas card fo my family

This is a present to my whole family because I have never given my family a present on Xmas. I have a tree, some presents under the Xmas tree and some snow and a snowman and a couple of decorations my background is yellow.

Wednesday, 5 December 2018

Dear teachers

Dear 2019 teachers,  

My name is Tawananyasha I am 8 years old. My favourite colour is red, green and white because I love Christmas.  At school my favourite subject is writing because I like to use my imagination. My best friend is Jin.

My favourite games are illumination tag on the playground and chair tag. I like to play with my little sister Tanaka after school. I love walking home with Jin.

I like to make my imagination run when I’m drawing and at I like playing on the playground at lunch time. 2019 teachers please give me some hints to help me learn and check my work with me and help me fix up any mistakes. Like to retell my story as a movie.

I am allergic to kiwi fruit.  You can call me Tawana for short but my full name is Tawananyasha. My birthday is Sunday of July . I am sad because I will not be at this school next year.



Friday, 16 November 2018

What a disaster

I liked this because the videos were sad and the news artacle was interesting 

Thursday, 8 November 2018

The friendly shark

Once upon a time in the deep blue sea there lived a nice respectful blue whale shark named jack. His father was very stricked. One day jacks father told him to go out and go get 22 fish and bring them back for 3 weeks of dinner jack said” dad I can’t because I don’t like killing fish Jack always wanted snapper for dinner. His dad said” I will go get you snapper”. So Jack went out and jack came back with 100 fish because he really wanted snapper foe dinner. The 100 fish lasted months and years. One night Jack was out catching fish and this creepy dark shark swam towards him. Jack swam as fast as a Leppard. The frightening shark came now and then. Till one day the shark didn’t come back ever again. Jack and his father lived happily ever after the end.

Book review

My favourite part was when the group looked up at the top  of the cave and it 

looked so beautiful.

My favourite part was when the group looked up at the top  of the cave and it 

looked so beautiful.

Thursday, 1 November 2018

Division with times table


Rangoli art

Last week on Friday room 19 and 20 made some rangoli pictures. Mrs carruthers thought that we could do this art because she went to the awesome Diwali festival. First the awesome art teachers gave us a extremely good white paper. I drew a small circle then a big one then I drew some sharp Spiky mountains then I drew red and blue thick pieces of and pattern had to only use four  colours red, orange, yellow ,and dark blue. We were finish Ms Eadie called Lama and I to do some cardboard background dying. After that Lama changed and she went to glue the rangoli art on the huge cardboard. Soon the dye was dry on the cardboard. Finally Lama went outside and glittered the background of the cool rangoli patterns. I felt happy because I finished my rangoli patterns. I felt so lucky because I love art.

Wednesday, 17 October 2018

The amazing Immersion Assembly

One hot Beautiful enjoyable sunny Monday morning. The wonderful amazing point England school went to the enormous School hall. We went to watch the amazing immersion assembly teachers put up. Te wa toi. 

First Team one came up on the huge stage. They did a painting Puzzle peace. Four teachers did the painting when they finished the painting. The put the puzzle peace together It looked like a stunning lion. Team one made it are going to the zoo on Wednesday.

The second on stage was Team two. They made a movie. Team twos movie movie was about what is precious to them. Ms Gaston drew her daughter, her son, the sky tower, a kiwi and the four stars from our flag. While the fantastic movi was playing mrs carter and mrs Gaston made a super outstanding painting.

 Team Three was on stage Miss Scanlan , mr Moran and mrs carruthers were in clear white Eadie and mrs king painted mr Moran’s bum and his handsome face. Ms Eadie also painted mrs carruthers back when they finished they had created a large abstract mural. Mrs King painted mrs Scanlan.   After Team there it was Team  four did is a amazing competition they had to paint Mr Moran.  Mr Goodwin drew the simpsons and ms sio painted an outstanding drawing and she won.

The last team was team 5. Team 5 made a play mr wiseman was cpa ting as mr domino. Their play was funny. There art was about meaning. I really liked the The immersion assembly because it was a crack up.

Monday, 24 September 2018

Wednesday, 19 September 2018

The Three girls in candy land

Once upon a time there lived three girls, one of them had big long frizzy hair, the other two had long straight hair. Their names were Lama,Tawana, Naomi their house was a very lonley cottage. It was in the middle of the forest all alone. The cottage had one kitchen, one bathroom and shower. They all had to sleep in the living room. There was no bedrooms. One day they said” we want a new exciting cottage that has the kind of rooms we want in our cottage. One sunny hot day Lama went to go pick some berries for some berry pie. She looked up and saw this staircase in the middle of no where. Lama ran back to the cottage to tell the other girls Lama said to the girls” I found a staircase”and the other girls said your probably dreaming.” So Lama went back to Location and went up the brown coloured pavement of the staircase. It took her to the place she always wanted to go that was candy land. She wanted to stay for the rest of her life. Back in the cottage the two girls said to each other” may be she was telling the truth after all,we should go up the staircase.” Then Naomi and Tawana came upon a big pavemant staircase they said”may be she went up here let’s have a look. They went up the staircase it took them to the candy land Lama was jumping on marshmallows cloud.” Then they all stayed in candy land for the rest of their lives.” They made themselves a nice cottage that was made out of nice crunchy crackers. Then they put some soft caramelised chocolate on top of the crackers. After they made the cottage they went  to got swim in the yummy chocolate fall. Then they dried themselves on rainbow strips. Every thing was incredible in candy land. Then they Kept doing the same thing everyday. Finally they stayed in candy land and never went back to their small,old, lonely cottage again.


Friday, 14 September 2018

Divison to 30

I liked this because there was lots of ways to solve it.

The lady and the bird

One day there lived a enjoyable little Black and white magpie named Jack pickle he kept staring at the most shinning metal billboard. He said to himself “I wish that I could have some Shelter because Jake prickle’s nest was old and boring. Just then he heard this old, old lady snoring she decided to have a granny nap. Suddenly he looked over to the ladies bag and saw a watch, a phone, her glasses and a shiny earring. He thought he would like to look like a rich bird. After that he quietly sneaked on the  chair he managed to get the ladies phone and watch out of her bag. And hopped to his nest he made the phone as the seat. He tried to get the glasses but the woman almost sneezed she didn’t. He made the windows on the top of his nest he saw the lady’s knickers and flew down from the tree. He grabbed her knickers and PULLED the lady screamed everybody heard her she screamed like a little girl. Then the fell because the nest was too heavy all the ladies things came down like a rain drop. She felt he pants she stopped for a second and said to herself my knickers are gone behind the there was Jake hanging in her knickers. She pulled him off her Knickers. Jake not know where he was going and flew into the rich living board.Who just chilled  on the poster.

Adventures of Tutankhamun

I liked this because is had alot of gold

Wednesday, 12 September 2018

Tuesday, 11 September 2018

My new Duffy book

Dear Duffy thank you for the books you gave Pt England school we are so grateful of what you give to us.

Wednesday, 5 September 2018

The little boy and his granpa Billy

One day there lived a little boy named Toby. He lived with granpa Billy. They live in a tall enormous building. It was so tall they could touch the clouds. Then Granther Billy got his very strange and odd box. In that box there was a long pole. Next grandpa Billy blew into the long pole. It came out as a white cloud. After that he got Toby to try blowing into the weird pole. Toby tried and tried but he just could got one tiny weeny bit out of it. Suddenly Toby broke the pole, But grandpa Billy said it was ok. Just then found out that you can shape the pole. Toby shaped it like a stars on that granpa could blow in it. For the next see you hours they had heaps of fun making different shapes with the pole and blowing some amazing clouds. Finally they had so much fun with the weird pole. They could never stop playing with the pole.

Friday, 31 August 2018

The recount of a healthy sandwich

On Beautiful hot sunny morning. Ms Eadies literacy reading class. We did it in class. We made healthy fabulous sandwiches. We did it because our inquiry is Move Ya Body. We are trying to make our bodies healthier and our brain more energetic. By eating healthy food. First Ms Eadie and her Reading literacy class discussed the benefits of eating healthy food. Next we got some amazing white soft bread and put some crisp crunchy green healthy lettuce. We also put some chicken luncheon. Some of us put some cheese I put some cheese on my sandwich. Then we ate The tasty sandwich all into our tummy. After that we all talked about the smell and taste. My one smelt like green yummy fresh lettuce and my want tasted like bright yellow cheese. Finally we wrote out introduction on our recount. I like this because it made my brain work even better.

Friday, 24 August 2018

Fraction word problems

I liked this EE because it was all about  fractions and I love   Fractions 

The animal Beaty Competition

I loved this book because it was a little bit funny

Thursday, 23 August 2018

Move y'a body

Last week on a cold but very sunny day. Rm 19 and 20 did amazing movment art. Our inquiry is move y'a body. Fist we got a buddy and took a photo of our movment. I did a stretching pose. It looked amazing. After that I cut it out. Then it printed I had to go get all the movment art. They all looked incredible. Then we got bright colourful paper and traced it out. Next I cut the three shadows out. Then we did colourful dye background for our shadows. Finally we stuck our three shadows on our colourful background it looked great. I liked this activity becuase it was extremely fun. I almost cut myself up into tiny little pieces of my body. 

Tuesday, 21 August 2018

The girl who washed in moonlight

I liked this book because the girl made the old witch turn into a nice lady.

Friday, 17 August 2018

Tuesday, 14 August 2018

The story of fairy tale land an the wise old witch

Once upon a time there lived an evil witch. She lived in an amazing forest of feathers. Everyday the witch goes out and gets little children and cooks them up in a pot. The children would always talk about the evil witch. The horses were very scared scared to go past the forest because they might end up in the pot. They need a solution. The solution is to take the witch out of fairy tale land and take her to the which horrible witch jail where they get there power taken off them. So then the fairys went to go tell the horses that we have to put the witch in jail and get her powers taken off her. So they snuck off to the forest and scared her. She fell on the ground. Then they called the police and she went to jail and got her powers taken off her. Now fairy tale land can live happily ever after in peace with no evil laughing and no more children crying. Then all lived in peace the end.

The forest of feathers the evil witch 

The amazing horses

The Fariys 

Friday, 10 August 2018

Thursday, 9 August 2018

Friday, 3 August 2018

2D shapes

I love maths because I learn more about math

Three brave skydivers

Three brave skydivers gliding in the sky. With colourful parashoots and very black black clouds around them. The very big golden sun. The very thin ropes holding up the cresant moons. The red hot lava around them. They were very close to touching the red hot sun. Below them are extremely black clouds.

3D 2D shapes

This week I did math it was 2D and 3D shapes

Describing a lemon

The lemon is extremely sour and very shiny on the outside. The lemon is bright yellow and deliciou. It was a skinny pice of lemon. It is extremely sweet. It made me screw my face up in sourness. It smells like a orange. It was squishy just like a toy squishy. It smells like roses.

Mystery of places

There was some scary places out there from what happend to Aantis then the 

bemuda triange and the lost city of inca ying Zhang and is Army

Messages without words

These signs I have created using pictures but no words

Tuesday, 31 July 2018

Describing a man swimming in the pool

The man is a very fast swimmer. He is in a very deep pool. The water is blue shimmery and shiny. He was swimming betreen stripy lane ropes. The lane ropes are blue and white. The man is doing arm strokes big enomous arm strokes. His  arm strokes are pulling him though the water. His legs were were extremely powerful it is pushing him through the water.

Thursday, 26 July 2018

What I did in the holidays

On Saturday in the holidays my cousin, my mum, my dad and I went on a adventure. We went to do activitys because it was my birthday. We. We went to Syvia park. I felt so excited because I love birthdays. 

First we went to the Cinema. The cinema was filled with chairs the chairs were red with soft comfortable cushions. Then we got sparkley popcorn and drinks. Then we waited for the movie hotel trancavina 3. It was the coolest movie ever seen by me. It had cool scary monsters. They had so much detail they were close to looking like real monsters. We got two large popcorn cups. It was very messy the popcorn was all over the shiny clean floor it was not so shiny anymore. 

After that the movie was half way though that's when we had finished our popcorn and drinks. We wanted more but we could not go out of the theater because the movie was very interesting. 

When the movie was finished we went to go and have lunch. I had McDonald's my cousin  had Chinese my other cousins had McDonald's my mum had McDonald's and my dad had Chinese.

. I  had A big Mac some chips and a frozen Coke it was very the kids went to the park the park was fun and exciteing. The park was so fancy. It scary spider web. It also had a pink and purple slide. The park had lots of obstacles.
We played tag. The park was fun.

The Final  thing I did was skatland I went to skatland with my auntie. We went for 45 minutes because it was going to close. It was incredible and fun. After that it Closed I had lots of fun at skatland but then it was time to say goodbye to Skateland.It was time for me to go home and my auntie needs to do some work at her house. 

I felt happy and excited because I love McDonald's and I love skating.

Wednesday, 25 July 2018

Tai Taylor

I liked this book becuse it talks about how tai Taylor was born

Tuesday, 3 July 2018

A trip to the Auckland art gallery

Last week on Friday I went on a trip. I went with mr Vogt and clay club to the Auckland art gallery. It was my first time. I had a buddy on the trip. Her name was Zaeeda. She was the best buddy I have ever had on a trip. We passed mission bay.A short time later we eventually got to the art gallery. We got to go up some cool stairs. There was a beautiful village it was made with cardboard. We were walking around. After we ate our lunch we went to the big humungus tree which we climbed up. Auckland art  gallery toilets are fancy and weird the soap was in the bench were the sink is! That's what I'm talking about! Then we got back on the bus and went back to school. Finally we got to play in maker for 20 minuets. I felt excited because it was my first time. The end.

The bear collection.

I liked this boook because I love soft toys.

Tuesday, 26 June 2018

Making fairy bread.

One grey and raining Monday moring. The students or rm 19 and 20 made fairy bread. It was a colourful bread it looked like fairies lunch. We made it at point England school. We did it for fun and to write a recount.

First we had to wash our hands. After that mrs Carruthers gave us a napkin. Next we got a slice of bread. Then we got a knife and got to put on our bread. Then we put sprinkles on the fairy bread.

After that we got to eat it it was amazing the best bread EVER.

We added some popping candy. It was popping in my mouth. Finally we got to make one more. This time we added some delicious hazelnut and sprinkles. I felt happy and excited because I love hazelnut and sprinkles.

Thursday, 21 June 2018


I liked this book because I am in the kapa haka group.

Tuesday, 19 June 2018

The astronaut that made friends with a alien.

One stormy morning there lived a gooey slimey gunkey alien. He was a nice kind alien. There was an astronaut he was a bully his name was mr Squiggles. They lived on the redes planet in space it was Mars. 

Then the alien was looking for speaimans. How is alien going to live his slimey life with this astronaut spying on him?

When the astronaut was pretending he was not looking the alien jumped and hopped to the next mountain. BOOM the alien got cought by the astronaut the alien said" oh no what have I done now". The next morning the astronaut went over to the aliens spacecraft and said how sorry he was. He asked if he could help with the speaimans. The alien said "yes you may help this will be a two man job" oh th    Thank you. Soud the astronaut. From that day on they worked together in peace. The end.

Friday, 15 June 2018

Ben's tune

I liked this because I like playing Instruments.

I liked this because I like playing Instruments.

Wednesday, 13 June 2018

Matariki day.

Last Friday it was Matariki day. Mrs Carruthers had a huge enormous marble run. Mrs Carruthers room was 19 and 20. We did it  to celebrate
Matariki. We made stars it was the best Star I have ever made in a long time.

I got to meet new people from different year levels. I saw my friend Jareka. We made a background for our paper stars. It looked incredible when we put the paper Star on. First I squashed the paint in the white paper and then I got heaps of colours and smeared the paint. After that I finished my panting. I did a star it had amazing patterns. I did the colour red. My star almost took up the entire page.

Then we made a star we wrote a message to our family. I wrote one to my puppies the are six weeks old. I wrote to my puppies I hope you get a home that will take responsibility with you.

And then we put glitter in the plastic stars. It was so so satisfying. There was silver, gold, purple and blue. Later on we did biscuits with icing and sprinkles. It was decdelicious. 

I felt happy because we got to have lollipops and iced biscuits.

Tuesday, 12 June 2018

Thursday, 7 June 2018

The Rainbow fish

we read a book about the rainbow fish it touhgt me how to be good friends. don't 

leave anybody out.

The trip to Auckland zoo.

Last week on Thursday we went to a Auckland  zoo. We went on a bus. When we got there we had morning tea. After that we walked around the zoo. I saw the Tasmania DEVLIS they were fat, they had a white line across their bodys. They are black. The zoo keeper said" they do not harm humans. They eat meat we can call them cold blooded animals. They are the best animals I have ever seen and the most beautiful DEVLIS ever. They live in Australia.

Alex believes all zoos should be shut down because they can not provide the right environment for animals that should live in the wild.

I disagree with Alex because I think that all zoos can help animals and keep them safe. The animals helps us to learn about when they are hurt p. Zoos can teach us about all the animals. Vika agrees with Eva because animals can help us learn and and keeping them safe and animals don't hurt ever even killed. 

Legacy agrees that zoos are good but have you thought that animals don't get hurt at the zoo. Becuase the zoo keeper look after them. 

I agree with Eva and legacy that animals can die and I also agree with Vika that animals can help us.

Friday, 1 June 2018

Brothers that hate bugs.

Once upon a time there was two men they hated bugs. I ment worms, grasshoppers, and every bug. The men were brothers. They looked the same. Every time they saw a bug they went bonkers. One day the brothers woke up they screamed like a girl because a grasshopper was there blanket. There was a worm the worm was on the boys blanket. The men were chasing the bugs. All of a sudden the grasshopper said" do not chase me AGAIN." I will be your friend but you have to Learn to not chase me ever again. So he did not chase him and his friend. After that one of the men had one of those duck callers. One of the men called one of the birds. Then one of the birds came and eat the worm and the grasshopper eat the man's spaghetti it was nice . So his brother got another spaghetti so he would'nt get mad. Now the grasshopper and the men was not friends anymore the men carried on their lives in their home and the grasshopper never heart people's feelings again. The end.

Friday, 25 May 2018

Thursday, 24 May 2018

An owl named AJ

Once upon a time there was a owl named AJ. AJ looked like a owl that had summery colours.AJ had huge eyeys. His body was amazing.AJ had to
find a home. It  was the middle  of  winter. AJ found a home in a large tree. It had a deep hole. The tree had leaves falling off. It was light brown. One sunny afternoon AJ was looking for some leaves to put in the tree when he found another owl. The owls name was Tanaka. Tanaka  looked just like AJ you know, big crazy eyes beautiful body. AJ said can I you friend please Tanaka said" fine". Two days later AJ and Tanaka fell in love. Then Tanaka had babies they loved each other for ever. One stormey night thunder HITS the tree. The tree falls down the owls have to move immediately but Tanaka can't move fast enough beceause she is pregnant again. At last they found another home where Tanaka could have babies. 5 weeks later Tanaka and AJ not just love each other but they also loved their babies. The years went past until the babies are 5 years old. The family has been living in in the tree since the storm hit. AJ and Tanaka's tree finally the babies father and mother past on so the babies found a new home for them selves the end. 

Jack and The Beanstalk animation

Tuesday, 22 May 2018