
Thursday, 7 June 2018

The trip to Auckland zoo.

Last week on Thursday we went to a Auckland  zoo. We went on a bus. When we got there we had morning tea. After that we walked around the zoo. I saw the Tasmania DEVLIS they were fat, they had a white line across their bodys. They are black. The zoo keeper said" they do not harm humans. They eat meat we can call them cold blooded animals. They are the best animals I have ever seen and the most beautiful DEVLIS ever. They live in Australia.

Alex believes all zoos should be shut down because they can not provide the right environment for animals that should live in the wild.

I disagree with Alex because I think that all zoos can help animals and keep them safe. The animals helps us to learn about when they are hurt p. Zoos can teach us about all the animals. Vika agrees with Eva because animals can help us learn and and keeping them safe and animals don't hurt ever even killed. 

Legacy agrees that zoos are good but have you thought that animals don't get hurt at the zoo. Becuase the zoo keeper look after them. 

I agree with Eva and legacy that animals can die and I also agree with Vika that animals can help us.

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