Once upon a time there lived an evil witch. She lived in an amazing forest of feathers. Everyday the witch goes out and gets little children and cooks them up in a pot. The children would always talk about the evil witch. The horses were very scared scared to go past the forest because they might end up in the pot. They need a solution. The solution is to take the witch out of fairy tale land and take her to the which horrible witch jail where they get there power taken off them. So then the fairys went to go tell the horses that we have to put the witch in jail and get her powers taken off her. So they snuck off to the forest and scared her. She fell on the ground. Then they called the police and she went to jail and got her powers taken off her. Now fairy tale land can live happily ever after in peace with no evil laughing and no more children crying. Then all lived in peace the end.
The forest of feathers the evil witch
The amazing horses

The Fariys
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